공과대학 소방안전공학과
공학1관 410호
춘천고등학교 성균관대학교 화학공학 학사 성균관대학교 방재안전공학 석사 성균관대학교 방재안전공학 박사
공과대학 소방안전공학과 조교수(2023.3 ~ 현재)
성균관대학교 방재안전공학 대학원 강사(2021 ~ 2022) 성균광대학교 건설환경연구소 연구원(2020 ~ 2022)
전국대학소방교수협의회 부회장(2024.07-2026.06) 화재소방학회 종신회원, 미래신진위원, 소방ICT분과위원(2023.05-2025.04) 대한공간정보학회 이사(2024.01-2024.12) 새만금개발청 건축위원회 위원, 방재분야(2024.05-2026.05) 국가철도공단 기술자문위원, 소방방재분야(2024.06-2026.05) 한국급경사지안전협회 조사평가위원회 위원(2023.12~2026.07)
재난, 화재, 산업안전 리스크분석 및 평가 공간정보(Geo Spatial Information, GIS) AI (GEO AI, Urban AI)
위험물질론 / 소화약제 / 소방학개론 / 화재역학 / 시뮬레이션 및 위험성평가 / 재난관리론
Development of an AI-based image/ultrasonic convergence camera system for accurate gas leak detection in petrochemical plants, 2024.04.15, Heliyon, SCI, Development of an evaluation indicator for highway climate change adaptation projects based on analytical hierarchy process in South Korea, 2024.03.08, Meteorological Application, (Wiley), SCI Projection and identification of vulnerable areas due to heavy snowfall using machine learning and K-means clustering with RCP scenarios, 2023.12.25, Climate Services, (ELSEVIER), SCI A quantitative analysis of multi-decadal shoreline changes along the East Coast of South Korea2023.07.06,Science of the Total Environment,SCI Economic risk assessment of ammonium nitrate explosions at the Busan Port by determining the building damage using a 3D explosion simulation,2022.12.05,Heliyon,SCI Dynamic landslide susceptibility analysis that combines rainfall period, accumulated rainfall, and geospatial information,2022.11.01,Scientific Report, SCI(E) Suggestions of principles to reduce the deviation of steep slope evaluation results through on-site evaluation , 2022.09.04, Applied Science, SCI(E) Urban River Dissolved Oxygen Prediction Model Using Machine Learning, 2022.07.03, Water, SCI(E) Development and Validation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Simulator for Shaded Area Detection, 2022.05.20, Applied Science, SCI(E) Improved Vulnerability Assessment Table for Retaining Walls and Embankments from a Working-Level Perspective in Korea, 2021.02.26, sustainability, SCI(E) Empirical analysis of a steam explosion in a slag yard based on a field investigation and 3D explosion damage simulation, 2020.04.13, process safety and environmental protection, SCI(E)